Thursday, August 29, 2013

How to Exercise for a Flat Stomach

Take a good look at the ads on television and even on the Internet, and you will find sales pitches for all kinds of gadgetry and videos that are supposed to make the tummy flatter, the abs more pronounced, and your figure magically slim. Forget about all of these products; instead, simply learn how to exercise for a flat stomach and reap the rewards of your actions without spending a dime.

Preparing an Exercise Regimen with Gender Differences in Mind

Men and women deposit body fat differently. While men predominantly place the fat in the belly section, women gather their fat deposits in the tummy area, on the hips, thighs, and also the upper torso. Exercising for a flat stomach needs to take into account the gender specific distribution of fat when working out how to exercise for a flat stomach.

Diet and Exercise Work Together

The first and foremost step in flattening the stomach is by reducing the fat deposits. This can only be accomplished by physically removing the fat—through liposuction—or dieting to cause the body to burn it off. Without a calorie restricting diet, no amount of tummy exercises allow for the stomach to flatten.

It is tempting to opt for one of the many fad diets that offer quick and easy weight loss. Just remember that the weight comes back just as quickly as you shed it. In some cases, the caloric restrictions are so intense that the diet is impossible to keep up for a prolonged period of time. Choose to go the common sense route instead and visit with a dietician, learn to modify your eating habits and caloric intake, and then simply consume less calories than you burn throughout the day.

Basic Steps for How to Exercise for a Flat Stomach


Lie down flat on your back. Bend your knees and firmly plant your feet at about the same width as your hips. Grasp the side of your collar on each side. Move your chin down and sit up. This is a basic sit-up which is still considered the premier stomach exercise to flatten the tummy and also keep it toned. A set of 10 sit-ups should be followed by a gentle stretching exercise.


Sit down on the ground. With feet firmly planted at shoulder width, once again hold on to the collar of your shirt. Lean back until you feel a pulling in the abdominal area. Keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Just when you think that you cannot possibly sit back further, push yourself just a little bit more. Hold this posture for about five to seven seconds, and then sit up. Repeat this about 10 times, and follow it up with a stretching exercise.

Modified Sit-backs

Once again you sit down on the ground with your feet firmly planted on the ground. This time around your ankles are together and not a hip width apart. Grab hold of your collar again to keep your hands out of the way. Bring up your knees to your chest while balancing yourself with your stomach muscles. This works two aspects of the musculature and is actually a lot harder than it sounds. Hold this pose for about five to seven seconds and repeat it five times.

Next, rather than allowing for your feet to once again touch the ground in between sets, stretch out your legs without letting them make contact with the ground. Do this slowly and deliberately. This greatly increases the difficulty of the exercise and also the potential for frustration. Pace yourself and do not give up. Start slowly with maybe only one or two sets, and gradually work your way up to doing this 10 times.

Side crunches

This is a modified sit-up. Instead of keeping your feet planted on the ground, however, you twist your body to the left while also bringing up your left knee, meeting up in the middle. A great stomach exercises that allows for speed, this is perfect for muscle warm-ups. You may choose to alternate between left and right side crunches.  If you do use this as a warm up, do not do so many side crunches that you are too tired to do the other exercises.

Suck in your stomach

You may be surprised to learn that sucking in your stomach is actually an exercise. The goal is to space even breathing with a sucking in and contracting of the stomach muscles. Then relax and breathe in and out deeply. Repeat this kind of exercise up to 10 times. If you begin to feel dizzy, immediately stop these crunches. This is a convenient exercise because it can be done anywhere, at any time.

Stretch out your stomach muscles

Stretch out your stomach muscles by rolling onto your tummy and then lifting up your torso by straightening your arms. This prevents the muscles from getting bulky, and instead allows for them to remain limber and elastic. It is a good idea to stretch out in between sets of exercises.

Avoid Burnout

Just like with any other exercise, it is easy to burn out when working on exercise for a flat stomach. You might get frustrated when the desired results are slow in coming. Conversely, you might get anxious because you feel the burn of your muscles far too early.

A gradual approach to this—and any other form of exercise—is the best way of keeping fatigue, frustration, and burnout at bay. At the same time, this also prevents any muscle injuries that are common when someone without a lot of stamina suddenly goes all out and exercises excessively for a day or two.

Stay Healthy

Continue to eat a healthy amount of food from a variety of food groups. Use common sense when it comes to choosing a whole grain cereal over a glazed donut, and do not forget to drink plenty of water. Even if you sweat profusely, you do not have to opt for sugar laden sports drinks. Staying well hydrated may be done simply and effectively with plain water.

Moreover, just because your muscles hurt a bit from the day before, do not stop your exercises. You may cut down on them slightly, but do not completely forego them. The trick to exercising for a flat stomach is found in the consistency as well as the number of sets you do on a daily basis.


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