Cardio exercise is closely related with the cardiovascular system (functioning of heart and vessels), which further helps in improving the systematic functioning of heart and arteries while improving their efficiency of fighting against Cardio vascular illness. Cardio exercise is mainly refers to jogging, cycling, climbing stairs, swimming, and brisk walking, that not only helps in improving overall health, but also gives positive results on cardiovascular system of the body.
Fight against bad cholesterol: generally, the excess consumption of bad fatty acid, produces disease like Dyslipidemia, which means lipid dis-functioning, it is a stage when bad cholesterol sticks in the arteries while creating difficulty for heart to function properly.
However, this improper functioning of heart can be eradicate while performing cardio exercise, because forceful act during cardio exercise helps heart, to realize bad cholesterol from the vessels while making it stronger.
However, this improper functioning of heart can be eradicate while performing cardio exercise, because forceful act during cardio exercise helps heart, to realize bad cholesterol from the vessels while making it stronger.
Fight against obesity: Cardio exercises helps in improving the bad metabolism of the body, hence, further pushes the mechanism to realize more fats while making it healthier and free from excess fats.
Fight against diabetes: when the heart will start functioning well and body will gain good metabolism, then there is no doubt that disease like diabetes, will not get eradicate. Diabetes is a stage when the body does not absorb sugar from the blood, because insulin level remains low, (as body does not perform any physical activity.)
However, performing cardio vascular exercise helps in improving the insulin, and thus removing the consequences of diabetes.
Fight against hypertension: with the rise in the pressure of blood, the problem like hypertension also increases, because the flow of blood into arteries intact high pressure, but cardio vascular exercise helps in balancing the force of arteries so that blood can flow in normal range, hence, it fight against hypertension.
Helps in improving immunity: the cardio vascular exercise involves the activity of whole body, which is why; it also affects the immune system. The high-density lipoprotein helps blood to circulate properly in the body, which further allows, immune system to function well.
Helps in preventing Coronary artery disease: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is also known as cardio vascular disease, it is a stage when heart does not function properly, causing heart dis-functioning and other deadliest circumstances. But cardio vascular exercise helps in removing the causes of CAD, like hypertension, bad cholesterol etc.
Helps in improving physical fitness: lastly, Cardio exercise greatly helps in improving the stamina of body, while strengthening the physical fitness of it.
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